Hyoshin Kim

Research Leader
CORE A: Administration and Planning (CRC Administration)
CORE C: Data Management and Biostatistics (Co-Director for Statistics and Bioinformatics)

Hyoshin Kim is co-director of Data Management and Statistics Core of TCORS, where she coordinates and provides expertise on research design, measurement, database, and statistical analysis for TCORS research. As a key member of the TCORS research team, Dr. Kim is working to improve tobacco use measurement. Trained in statistical analysis and quantitative modeling, Dr. Kim has extensive experience in developing research questions and designs, in preparing and analyzing complex datasets, and in publishing and presenting results in the public health area. She currently works with the Battelle Tobacco Exposure Research Group on several NIH-funded grants examining variations in tobacco smoking behaviors, chemical compounds and biomarkers, as well as subjective measures in experimental design settings. Her research focus is the measurement of tobacco use behaviors, tobacco dependence, and abuse liability on various tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. In addition, her research has focused on tobacco control policies using large population-based databases to examine the effects of socio-economic status on tobacco use behaviors. Dr. Kim received her Ph.D. in Policy Analysis and Management from Cornell University.